Website Care Plans

Select a monthly care plan that fits your needs. 

Best for sites with minimal and infrequent updates.

Hosting Only
Email Support
Updates and site additions billed at

Best for sites with moderate updates to existing content.

Hosting - $25 Value
Updates to existing content
Site additions billed at $140/hr
Email Support
5% off Heighten Consult Services

Services do not carry over month-to-month

Ideal for those with portfolios or blogs that are updated monthly.

Hosting - $25 Value
Updates to existing content
Site additions billed at $135/hr
Email and Text Support
3 portfolio or blog posts
5% off Heighten Consult Services

Services do not carry over month-to-month

Ideal for growing online stores.

Hosting - $25 Value
Updates to existing content
Site additions billed at $135/hr
Email and Text Support
Two Featured Product Updates
Two Hero Section Updates
10% off Heighten Consult Services

Services do not carry over month-to-month

For sites that need something special.

We will work with you to come up with a package that suits your unique needs at a price that is cheaper than paying as you go.

Monthly Add-Ons

If needed, choose any add-on services to help accelerate your mission even faster.

For sites that are changing constantly

Up to 2 new site additions or major changes each month.
Additional changes billed at $125/hr

For sites with adding more than three portfolio items or blog posts each month

3 additional portfolio items or blog posts each month.

For those who want to spend less time managing their store.

Managed Store Services
Monthly Reports
Phone Support
15% off Heighten Consult services

For those who need consistent professional graphic design needs.

4 hours of graphic design services
Additional design support above 4 hours billed at $125/hr
 5% off Video Services

Things I get Asked A Lot.

No matter where you build or host your website, there are monthly fees to keep the site online. The required base care plan helps cover our costs for keeping your website online and running smoothly. At the bare minimum, all connect websites must have the “Pay as you Go” plan. We work hard to keep this fee as low as possible while never sacrificing the quality of our hosting.

I used to allow clients to edit their own sites. However, over the years I have learned that it’s easier for everyone if we handle all edits at Heighten Creative. You don’t have to learn a new system or worry about messing up your site. We don’t have to spend time fixing your site if you break it (which costs way more trust us). Think of us as your in-house design team that is only an email or text away. We mean it when we say full-service. 

The answer depends. If you are just starting out, the odds are you don’t need one of our monthly pro-addons. You can always add them later as you grow. However, we highly recommend the Pro Media add-on if you have never had professional videos or photos taken. Professional and visually appealing assets for your site are essential for helping your audience connect with your mission. Similarly, if you don’t have professional branding that includes a solid brand mark and org colors you should really consider adding the Pro Branding add-on.


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